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Cyber Security Awareness Month: Tips for Protection

October 7, 2022 | By Aaron Tawil, CFP® and James Perriello, CFP®

October is cyber security awareness month. Here at Wealthstream, we take security seriously and discuss it often as a team. We would like to take this opportunity to help educate our clients on the steps that you can take to help mitigate the risk of being a victim of a cyber-attack.

The 5 Flaws of Using the 4% Spending Rule in Retirement

September 21, 2022 | By Eric Siss, CFP®

You've put a great deal of effort into saving for retirement, and now you're ready to cash in. But wait, you need to determine how much you can consistently withdraw from your savings. Spending beyond your means can leave you with insufficient funds in your “golden years” and spending too little means you sacrificed doing things that you would have enjoyed.

Understanding Global Financial Planning

August 31, 2022 | By Brenna McLoughlin, CFP®, GFP (USA)

Wealthstream Advisors has recently added to our team’s growing list of professional designations, Global Financial Planner (USA), or GFP (USA). We sought out this additional expertise because we know from experience that individuals and families who have lived in more than one nation have unique needs from a financial planning perspective.

Tax Considerations and Strategies for New York Estate Planning

July 26, 2022 | By Katharine George, CFP®, AEP®

When it comes to estate planning, our discussions with clients typically revolve around the Federal estate. Our clients are less aware of the careful planning and consideration needed to address their estate tax on the state level. For instance, as of 2022, 12 states and the District of Columbia levy estate taxes on estates over a certain value – and New York is one of them.

The Four C’s: Achieving Financial Peace of Mind

June 10, 2022 | By James Perriello, CFP®

Managing the financial aspect of life takes brainpower and a lot of time: staying updated on the markets, tracking changes in tax law, and reading the fine print are just a few examples. Whether you are busy managing a business, juggling family life, or simply enjoying retirement, these tasks–and the financial responsibility that comes with them–require a team effort. That is where a financial advisor steps in.

Divesting a Concentrated Stock Position

May 19, 2022 | By Joe Orff

We’ve seen clients diligently accumulate stock in their company over their careers. 

Wealthstream Advisors, Inc. Named Among 2022 Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers by InvestmentNews

March 22, 2022 | By Wealthstream Advisors Press

New York, March 22, 2022 Wealthstream Advisors, Inc. (“Wealthstream”) an independent boutique wealth management firm announced today it has been recognized as a 2022 Best Places to Work for Financial Advisers by InvestmentNews.

Record Keeping and Tax Tips for Small Business Owners

March 9, 2022 | By Tim Daly, CPA, CFP®

Being a small business owner or partaking in a side hustle can be a rewarding experience. You can be your own boss, have the freedom to work as you please and can provide products and services that you are passionate about. However, with these freedoms also comes additional responsibilities. You must keep accurate records of all the income and expenses of your business and ensure you are paying taxes on time, which can be a daunting task.

5 Common Investment Misconceptions we Hear From our Clients

January 11, 2022 | By Michael Kimmel, CFP®

If you follow the stock market closely, you have probably noticed that what we read in the news oftentimes doesn’t reflect actual market trends. Commonly accepted stock market myths have become so pervasive that they can affect how we choose to invest and how we characterize ourselves as investors.

Taking a Closer Look at Tax-Loss Harvesting

December 13, 2021 | By James Perriello, CFP®

Tax-loss harvesting is an effective strategy to generate tax savings.

While this statement holds true in the short-term, if you take a step back and look at the long-term ramifications, the benefits—and drawbacks—of tax-loss harvesting are a bit more involved.