Deciding when to sell equity compensation is a major financial decision, often driven by a mix of personal and strategic factors. Some employees and executives sell to diversify their portfolios and reduce the risks of being too heavily invested in a single company, while others seek to use equity sales to fund major life goals, such as buying a home or securing financial independence.
Many investors utilize income-producing holdings such as dividend-paying stocks and/or bonds to generate cash flow within their portfolio. When analyzing the performance or appropriateness of these holdings, it is important to take into account not only the income generated, but also the change in principal value.
Tax-loss harvesting is an effective strategy to generate tax savings.
PwC Partners have earned valuable benefits, and getting the most out of these benefits depends on managing some unique financial planning considerations. In this Insight, we review two of the most important: managing compliant investments and planning for optimal post-retirement cash flow.
The Wealthstream Advisors team is pleased to share that we have been named one of the “Top Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) Firms to Work For” by Financial Planning magazine.
If you have a long-term care policy, especially an older one, you may eventually receive a letter stating that your premiums will increase. While this change may be an unpleasant surprise, you will likely have several options for moving forward, and there is no reason to panic.
With so much of our lives online nowadays, knowing the top cybersecurity tips significantly reduces the risk of fraud or falling victim to a cyber attack. From phishing to malware, those attempting to steal your private data or gain access to your personal assets have more methods than ever to do so.
Summer has officially turned to fall and we have entered Q4 2024 (hard to believe, right?). With the last few months of the year approaching, the CPA in me starts to shift more focus onto a pivotal part of any good financial plan – year end tax planning.
Moving abroad means new complexities for personal investments, and it is important for those planning an international move to recognize that “staying the course” with existing investments is not always a wise (or even viable) choice.
When it comes to estate planning, our discussions with clients typically revolve around the Federal estate tax. Our clients are less aware of the careful planning and consideration needed to address their estate tax on the state level. For instance, as of 2024, 12 states and the District of Columbia levy estate taxes on estates over a certain value – and New York is one of them.